Collection: Seeing Is Believing

Enter Carlescu Vanishescu, chameleon illusionist. Carlescu is challenged in balancing the ethical implications of deception with the utility of illusion magic. Avoiding causing harm or confusion with illusory spells. And dealing with skepticism and mistrust from those who fear illusion magic.

Illusionist are entertaining to many, but not at all well-liked by some. Their critics claim illusionist can't be trusted because their spells and skills mess with your head. It doesn't help that many illusionists are just in it to create pictures and experiences that others can't imagine.

This skeptic of perception has often voiced his view of his profession:

  • "Yes, I cast illusions, but that doesn't mean I want to manipulate people for personal gain."
  • "Yes, I create illusions, but that doesn't mean I want innocent bystanders to be harmed by my magic."
  • "Yes, I'm skilled, but that doesn't mean I want to be accused of witchcraft every time I cast a spell."

Add the Amazing Vanishescu to your wardrobe and accessories, and see any doubts on your style vanish is a puff of smoke.




Seeing Is Believing

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