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Proptaku Top 20 Comics Memes for 2023

Proptaku Top 20 Comics Memes for 2023

Proptaku is running down our top 20 comics memes for 2023.  We celebrate the humous, insightful, sarcastic, and sometimes crazy comments and content from the comic movie and TV community.

The meme countdown cover comics from The Joker, to Black Widow, to Spider Man. Each countdown presents you with the rundown on the meme, what part of the comics series or movie themes are ridiculed, emphasized, or bring out the best in the community.

Catch the countdown on: 

Let us know what you think of the series.

Also, if you have other suggestions for topics we can discuss, please feel free to include those in the comments as well.

Hope this helps to look forward to 2024!

- Proptaku

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